22 research outputs found

    The First Relationship – the Experience of Fundamental Trust as a Foundation for the Development of Faith

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    The article is an important starting point for reflecting upon the emergence and development of fundamental trust through the first, primary relationship between the newborn and the parent. The birth of the first child signifies establishment of a family system, in which the concepts and mechanisms that Relational Family Therapy is built upon, are reflected on a systemic, interpersonal and intrapsychic level. Relational Family Therapy can find a way to resolve painful psychical contents and bring about a relief of the family system. The starting point for the study of the family described in this paper is the method of observing newborn behavior, the Newborn Behavioral Observations System (hereinafter NBO) with elements of Relational Family Therapy, which significantly helps to build a confident parental role and establishes a closer relationship between parents and children, thus forming the foundation for all further relationships

    Izzivi za kakovostno izobraževanje v pripravi na porod in starševstvo

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    The article presents an overview and analysis of current practices in antenatal classes in Slovenia. The findings of the recent study show that organizational changes and changes in the content are needed in this field. Authors firstly present the interdisciplinary issues of midwifery, obstetrics and family andragogy and link them with factors affecting efficiency of parenthood education, according to different models of education. It is established that Slovenian antenatal education has a rich history; however, recent foreign innovations are being adopted only slowly. Models of care that promote individualized continuous midwifery care during pregnancy, birth and postpartum period are becoming a standard practice abroad. They require a new approach to parenthood preparation. In order to test the model of continuity of midwifery care in the Slovenian context, a pilot study was carried out in 2010. The project Healthy Women – Healthy Families involved antenatal classes that were run according to contemporary guidelines of best practice. An interdisciplinary approach was adopted to address all the needs of women and their partners in the tran- sition to parenthood. This was the first attempt to innovate the current approach of parentcraft educational programmes in Slovenia. The participants of the project expressed a high level of satisfaction with continuity of midwifery care and counselling opportunities, organization and realization of the programme. They praised the new approach and methods of education introduced in antenatal classes. For the future, they expressed the wish to get more information regarding postnatal adap- tation, breast-feeding and the opportunity to speak more freely about the effects a child has on relations between partners. In conclusion the authors present a list of suggested improvements for the Slovenian antenatal classes, based on the relevant literature and the experience gained during the pilot study.Prispevek prinaša pregled in analizo obstoječe prakse izobraževanja kot dela priprave na porod na primeru šole za bodoče starše v Sloveniji. Raziskava ugotavlja potrebe po spremembah v organizacijskem in vsebinskem smislu. Avtorici najprej predstavita interdisciplinarne vsebine babištva, porodništva in družinske andragogike ter dejavnike, ki vplivajo na učinkovi- tost izobraževanja za bodoče starše glede na značilnosti različnih modelov izobraževanja. Avtorici ugotavljata, da je v slovenskem prostoru vzpostavljena tradicija izobraževalnih programov za pripravo na porod in da se programi le počasi prilagajajo spremembam, ki jih lahko zasledimo v tujini, kjer se vse bolj uveljavljajo modeli, ki poudarjajo individualiziran pristop ter kontinuiteto v obravnavi od priprave na starševstvo, med nosečnostjo, porodom in v poporodnem obdobju. V letu 2010 je bila v Sloveniji prvič izvedena pilotna študija Zdrave ženske – zdrave družine prihodnosti, projekt, v katerem je bilo izobraževanje za bodoče starše izvedeno na interdisciplinaren način s strokovnjaki različnih strok ter usmerjeno v potrebe žensk in njihovih partnerjev na prehodu v starševstvo. Gre za prvi poskus novega načina izobraževanja in obravnave za bodoče starše v slovenskem prostoru, ki pa ga obstoječi zdravstveni sistem (še) ne podpira. Udeleženci so najvišje ocenili organizacijo in izvedbo programa s poudarkom na načinu podajanja snovi oziroma izbiri metode in oblike izobraževanja. Rezultati kažejo, da si udeleženci projekta pri izobraževanju za bodoče starše želijo več poudarka na vsebinah poporodne obravnave, partnerskega odnosa in nasvetov glede dojenja. Posebej izpostavljeni so bili svetovalno delo ter kontinuiteta in individualna obravnava vsakega para

    Dojemanje materinstva in starševstva skozi čas ‒ preliminarna študija

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    The paper presents a theoretical overview and analysis of the current understanding of the concept of motherhood and related facts. Besides, it presents the results of a research obtained through a questionnaire designed and administered for this purpose. A theoretical overview of the perception and experience of femininity and motherhood in history is given in the introduction. Further, the role of motherhood and parenting is defined and an attempt is made to under- stand in what direction motherhood will develop in the future. The empirical part shows the ideas of young people (students) on motherhood, their opinion on the current situation and the role of women and mothers in relation to the maternal myth. The survey, conducted in 2012, included 100 full-time students (N = 100), 50 male (50%) and 50 female (50%), from four faculties of the University of Ljubljana. Statistically significant differences have been found in their views on the future of maternity. Most male students (60.0%) believe that in the future mothers will be more focused on their careers and less on their families, whereas fewer female students share this view (38.0%). The survey made it evident that yo- ung people are aware of the changes occurring over time, although the traditional view of the role of motherhood and the family is still predominant. The results also show that the respondents are aware of the need for gender equality and equal division of family roles between men and women. Our research revealed that women are more aware of this than men.Prispevek prinaša teoretični pregled in analizo obstoječega razumevanja koncepta materinstva in z njim povezanih dejstev ter rezultate raziskave na podlagi za ta namen oblikovanega in uporabljenega vprašalnika. Avtorici v uvodnem delu predstavita teoretični pregled dojemanja in doživljanja ženskosti in materinstva skozi zgodovino in čas, kako se materinstvo vrednoti danes ter kakšne so napovedi za prihodnost. V empiričnem delu je raziskano, kakšne so trenutne predstave študentov in študentk o materinstvu, kakšna je njihova ocena o trenutnem položaju in vlogi žensk in mater v povezavi z materinskim mitom in tradicionalno vlogo matere in očeta ter kakšne so glede tega napovedi za prihodnost. Raziskava je bila opravljena v letu 2012, vanjo je bilo vključenih 100 rednih študentov in študentk, od tega 50 moških (50 odstotkov) in 50 žensk (50 odstotkov) s štirih fakultet Univerze v Ljubljani. Statistično pomembna razlika se je pokazala na področju delitve vlog v družini in na področju pogleda na materin- stvo in žensko v prihodnosti (največ študentov (60,0 odstotka) ocenjuje, da se bodo matere v prihodnosti bolj posvečale karieri in manj družini, medtem ko je takšnega mnenja pomembno manj študentk (38,0 odstotka)). Posebej poudarjeno je dejstvo, da se študenti in študentke zavedajo sprememb, ki se pojavljajo skozi čas, čeprav rezultati še vedno kažejo prevladujoč tradicionalni pogled na materinstvo in vloge v družini. Rezultati kažejo, da se udeleženci raziskave zaveda- jo potrebe po enakosti spolov ter po enakovredni razdelitvi družinskih vlog med moškimi in ženskami. Naša raziskava je pokazala, da se tega bolj zavedajo ženske kot mošk

    Virtualna priprava na porod in starševstvo

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    Epidemiološke razmere v Sloveniji so vplivale tudi na izobraževalni proces, saj je bilo treba del izobraževalnega in svetovalnega procesa prenesti iz predavalnice in simulacijskega kabineta v spletno – virtualno okolje. V študijskem letu 2020/2021 je bil tako na Oddelku za babištvo izveden pilotni projekt z naslovom Virtualna priprava na porod in starševstvo. Gre za prvi poskus načrtovanja, oblikovanja, izvedbe in evalvacije virtualnega izobraževalnega programa na področju babištva, ki so ga izvedli študenti pod mentorstvom s prisotnostjo udeležencev – bodočih staršev. Poseben izziv je bilo dejstvo, da so bili študenti babištva postavljeni v dve vlogi, in sicer v vlogo študenta in vlogo zdravstvenega strokovnjaka, ki prvič samostojno (pod mentorstvom) izvaja virtualni izobraževalni program za bodoče starše za pridobitev lastnih strokovnih kompetenc. Velik poudarek je bil namenjen evalvaciji projekta in izvedbe nastopa na način kvalitativnega raziskovanja z uporabo fokusnih skupin. Rezultati kažejo, da se študenti zavedajo pomena in zahtevnosti oblikovanja virtualnega učnega okolja. Želijo si več časa za pripravo izobraževalnega progama, več usmeritev in več možnosti za izvedbo generalke pred nastopom. Posebej izpostavljeno je bilo stresno svetovalno delo pri odgovarjanju na vprašanja bodočih staršev, ki je potekalo po končani izvedbi v živo on-line

    Poporodno obdobje: stres in starševstvo

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    Raziskovanje lastne prakse kot dejavnik profesionalnega razvoja babic in medicinskih sester

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    The paper presents characteristics and benefits of action research and research activities in general in the context of professional development of midwives and nurses. The study is based on empirical survey research approach and quantitative methodology. Data was collected by a questionnaire and processed by employing descriptive statistics; the statistically significant differences were determined by ÷2 test. Results reveal that more than half of the respondents do not possess any experience in researching their own work practice. Both midwives and nurses singled out the lack of training in different types of research – which could resolve the problems of their own working practices – as the main obstacle to their professional development. The results, especially those obtained from midwives, suggest that a more intensive participation of future employers during educational process would be highly beneficial. This would allow future nurses and midwives to obtain much needed work and research experience already during their studies. The findings of the paper’s research contributed to increased awareness regarding the importance of action research and research in general during educational process and other programs that offer education for health professionals.Prispevek predstavlja zna.ilnosti in uporabnost akcijskega raziskovanja lastne prakse kot dejavnika profesionalnega razvoja babic in medicinskih sester. Raziskava temelji na empiri.nem anketnem raziskovalnem pristopu in kvantitativni metodologiji. Podatki so obdelani na ravni deskriptivne statistike, pri .emer je pri ugotavljanju statisti.no zna.ilnih razlik uporabljen preizkus Ô2. Rezultati so pokazali, da ve. kot polovica anketiranih nima izku.enj z raziskovanjem lastne delovne prakse in da jih pri raziskovanju najbolj ovira dejavnik pomanjkanja usposabljanj za razli.ne vrste raziskovanj, v katerih bi re.evali probleme iz lastne delovne prakse. Rezultati, .e posebej pri babicah, so pokazali na pomembnost intenzivnej.ega sodelovanja z delodajalci v izobra.evalnem procesu, pridobivanja izku.enj v delovnem okolju in njihovega vklju.evanja v raziskovalno dejavnost .e med .tudijem. Spoznanja na.e raziskave so prispevala k ve.jemu zavedanju o pomembnosti akcijskega raziskovanja in raziskovalne dejavnosti nasploh v izobra.evalnem procesu in programih, ki izobra.ujejo za poklice v zdravstvu

    Njega pupkovine i batrljka kod normalnih porođaja u slovenskim i hrvatskim rodilištima

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    The aim was to investigate first-care procedures for the newborn’s umbilical cord at maternity hospitals in Slovenia and Croatia. The study was based on an empirical survey research approach and quantitative research paradigms and included all Slovenian (n=14) and all Croatian (n=35) maternity hospitals. Leaders of midwifery team of 14 Slovenian and 35 Croatian labor wards were invited to participate. The study was conducted in 2013, with 67% of Slovenian and 66% of Croatian maternity hospitals having responded. A causal and non-experimental method of empirical research was used. The research instrument was a questionnaire. Descriptive statistics was used on data analysis. The independence hypothesis was tested with the χ2-test or Kullback 2Î-test. A vast majority of study wards employed delayed umbilical cord clamping, i.e. clamping the cord after pulsation had ceased. Only 10% of Slovenian in comparison with 36.4% of Croatian maternity hospitals practiced dry cord care. Others applied disinfectant on the cord, in Slovenia most frequently 6% potassium permanganate, and in Croatia a combination of octenidine and phenoxyethanol. Most Croa-tian ­maternity wards (95.7%) still covered the stump, while it was not regular practice in Slovenia. The authors estimate that the prevailing Slovenian and Croatian practices in regard to cord clamping are in accordance with the evidence, while improvements could be made regarding stump care, since dry cord care is the recommended method.Cilj rada bio je istražiti postupke vezane uz njegu pupkovine i batrljaka u rodilištima u Sloveniji i Hrvatskoj. Studija je bila temeljena na metodama empirijskog upitničkog istraživanja pomoću upitnika i kvantitativne istraživačke paradigme, a obuhvatila je sva slovenska rodilišta (n=14) i sva hrvatska rodilišta (n=35). Primalje iz 14 rodilišta u Sloveniji i 35 rodilišta u Hrvatskoj pozvani su da sudjeluju u istraživanju. Istraživanje je provedeno 2013. godine, a sudjelovalo je 67% slovenskih rodilišta i 66% hrvatskih rodilišta. Primijenjene su kauzalne i ne-eksperimentalne metode empirijskog istraživanja. Instrument istraživanja bio je upitnik. Opisne statistike su pripremljene. Teza neovisnosti testirana je χ2-testom odnosno Kullbackovim 2Î-testom. Rezultati su pokazali da velika većina rodilišta primjenjuje metodu DUCC (delayed umbilical cord clamping), tj. pupkovina se klema tek nakon što prestane pulsirati. Samo 10% slovenskih rodilišta u odnosu na 36,4% hrvatskih rodilišta prakticira suhu njegu batrljka. U ostalim rodilištima se batrljak dezinficira; u Sloveniji se za to najčešće rabi kalijev permanganat u 6%-tnoj otopini, dok se u Hrvatskoj najčešće upotrebljava kombinacija oktenidinklorida i fenoksietanola. Većina rodilišta u Hrvatskoj (95,7%) i dalje pokrivaju batrljak gazom, dok to nije najčešća praksa u Sloveniji. Autori procjenjuju da su najzastupljenije metode za njegu pupkovine koje se primjenjuju u slovenskim i hrvatskim rodilištima u skladu s dokazima, dok se poboljšanja mogu primijeniti u njezi batrljka; preporuča se suhu njegu bez pokrivanja

    Masaža – vez med dojenčkom in materjo: pilotna študija

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    Perception of Mobbing During the Study: Results of a National Quantitative Research among Slovenian Midwifery Students

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    Mobbing, defined as sustained harassment among workers, in particular towards subordinates, merits investigation. This study aims to investigate Slovenian midwifery students\u27 (2nd and 3rd year students of midwifery at the Faculty for Health Studies Ljubljana; the single educational institution for midwives in Slovenia) perception of mobbing, since management of acceptable behavioural interrelationships in midwifery profession forms already during the study, through professional socialization. Descriptive and causal-nonexperimental method with questionnaire was used. Basic descriptive statistics and measures for calculating statistical significance were carried out with SPSS 20.0 software version. All necessary ethical measures were taken into the consideration during the study to protect participants. The results revealed that several participants experienced mobbing during the study (82.3%); 58.8% of them during their practical training and 23.5% from midwifery teachers. Students are often anxious and nervous in face of clinical settings (60.8%) or before faculty commitments (exams, presentations etc.) (41.2%). A lot of them (40.4%) estimate that mobbing affected their health. They did not show effective strategies to solve relationship problems. According to the findings, everyone involved in midwifery education, but above all students, should be provided with more knowledge and skills on successful management of conflict situations